Saturday, 21 May 2022

Fixing XCom Enemy Unknown (and Enemy Within) in Steam on Ubuntu 22.04

I've recently installed Ubuntu 22.04 on a new desktop PC (actually an old upgraded and repurposed Chromebox) and wanted to have some games available to play. This thing doesn't have much power, but I figured I could have a few things on hand and as I used to run XCom on a Celeron N4000 with 2GB of RAM I should be able to get it running on this.

Except it wouldn't...

These are the steps I took to fix it. It might be that not all of them are or were actually required. In all honesty if you're following this I would probably go through the steps in reverse order as I wouldn't be surprised to find that the last step fixes everything!


Clicking on "PLAY" from Steam brings up the launcher where I can select XCOM Enemy Unknown or XCOM Enemy Within. Selecting either choice closes the launcher and in Steam I can see the game running, but after a few seconds it stops.

The Fix

In Steam - right click - Browse local files

In file manager - right click - Open in Terminal

In terminal run:


This gives the following error:

/home/ryan/Storage/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/XCom-Enemy-Unknown/XCOMLauncher: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

XCOM - XCOMLauncher returned no game

XCOM - No game launched

Let's get libsdl2 installed properly:

sudo apt-get install -y libsdl2*

And try again:


A different error now:

/home/ryan/Storage/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/XCom-Enemy-Unknown/binaries/linux/../../binaries/linux/game.x86_64: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Let's try installing libopenal:

sudo apt-get install -y libopenal

And try again:


Huh, a new error:

XCOM - XCOMLauncher returned Enemy Unknown

XCOM - Launching

szCmd: /bin/sh -c '"/home/ryan/.local/share/Steam/" "steam://run/200510"' &

Dumped crashlog to /home/ryan/.local/share/feral-interactive/XCOM/crashes//7b96470c-1b6e-2b1f-2808ea0b-2c744dee.dmp

/home/ryan/Storage/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/XCom-Enemy-Unknown/binaries/linux/ line 43:  9250 Aborted                 (core dumped) ${DEBUGGER} "${GAMEBINARY}" $@

To fix this we need to rename some files:

<STEAMDIR>/steamapps/common/XCom-Enemy-Unknown/engine/splash/pcconsole/splash.bmp to OLDsplash.bmp

<STEAMDIR>/steamapps/common/XCom-Enemy-Unknown/xew/engine/splash/pcconsole/splash.bmp to OLDsplash.bmp

Finally we can now launch the game using the PLAY button in Steam! Yay!

Saturday, 3 January 2015

Yet MORE Fantasy Life stuff!

A few more items for you:

Honey PuddingReveria
Butler's OutfitAt your service
Cute OutfitCutie pie
Dancer's OutfitLady of the ball
Dragon Tamer CostumeDragon tamer
Spring Indoor Decoration SetSpring flowers
Spring Outdoor Decoration SetLife in bloom
Mysterious CostumeAbracadabra
Elegant OutfitCute chic
Frilly OutfitFrilliant!
Cacto CostumePrickly poser
Ninja CostumeVanishing act
Fluffkin CostumeFluffkin facade
Plushling CostumePlushling parade
Princely OutfitPrincely threads
Snowman CostumeSlippery snowman
Laura's HatLaura lookalike
Yuelia's OutfitAll of a flutter
Teddy BearYummy honey bear
Cuddly Sea TurtleTimid turtle

That's all for now!

MORE Fantasy Life stuff!

Some more codes for free stuff in Fantasy Life for 3DS!

Like before, speak to the Password Clerk in the Post Office. Again these are from tweets by Nintendo of Europe:

(Note for above, actual passwords are "Fiery fiend", "Toil and trouble", "Trick or treat?" and "Jack-o'-Lantern"!) (Note for above, actual password is "Fun in the sun") (Note for above, actual password is "Seasick sailors")

Fantasy Life!

My daughter and I have a new 3DS-based obsession, Fantasy Life! We both received copies for Christmas and are loving it.

If you're enjoying it too, you can get bonus content from the Password Clerk in the Post Office from the following tweets from Nintendo of Europe:

Monday, 9 December 2013

Want a new console? Wii U says "HELLO!"

So Christmas is coming and you want to treat yourself and/or your family to a new console. Xbox One and PS4 have just launched and that's all everyone seems to be talking about. The next gen has arrived, hurrah! So which one should you be dashing down to the shops to pick up?


The console you want is the Wii U.

Lets look at price first. I've taken these prices from Amazon UK as that is where I do most of my shopping and they usually have good prices.

An Xbox One and Call of Duty Ghosts will set you back a total of £477.99. That's £429.99 for the console and £48.00 for the game. Note that I selected that game only because it is available on Xbox One, PS4 and Wii U to help illustrate my point.

So what can £477.99 (or less) get you if you want to go for the Wii U?

Wii U Premium Pack - £239.99 (includes Lego City Undercover and Rayman Legends)
Call of Duty Ghosts - £44.99
Super Mario 3D World - £39.99
Pikmin 3 - £31.99
Zombi U - £15.99
New Super Mario Bros U - £39.99
Batman Arkham Origins - £22.49
Need For Speed Most Wanted U - £19.95
Deus Ex - £16.99

Total - £472.37

I've selected the games listed above partly at random, but they are also among the best games available for the console and includes the obligatory CoD: Ghosts.

Turning our attention to PS4, you are looking at a total of £396.14. That's £349.99 for the PS4 and Call of Duty Ghosts will set you back £46.15.

If we drop the two Mario games from our list above, we get the price down to £392.39.

Xbox One and a single game OR a Wii U with TEN games.


PS4 and a single game OR a Wii U with EIGHT games.

And let's not forget that if you already have a Wii at home you can use all your existing controllers (and other peripherals) on your Wii U so you might already have everything you need for multiplayer action, rather than shelling out £49.00 for a second PS4 pad or £44.00 for a second Xbox One pad.

We should also note that if you get tired of the eight or ten games you get with your Wii U and you already have a Wii you can play all your old games on your Wii U. Try loading up one of your PS3/Xbox 360 games on their next gen replacements and you're not going to get very far!

So to reiterate the central message of this post, forget PS4, forget Xbox One. If you want a new console AND some awesome games, get a Wii U.

Saturday, 30 November 2013


My effort for Charity Game Jam, COMMANDO V ALIENS TURBO is finished and uploaded, you can grab it here:

Or search for it on the Charity Game Jam website. It's a simple game, but if you enjoy it please consider donating some money to a very worthy cause. And even if you don't enjoy it, please consider donating!

All the models and textures came from the Unity Asset Store. Some graphics for the menu were made using the CoolText website. Some of the sound effects were from freesound whilst some were taken from the Unity Asset Store.

I enjoyed putting this together, despite some very frustrating moments! It could definitely do with a bit more polish in a few places, but I just don't have the time to do that before the deadline. I might revisit it later, but I already have new projects in mind that I want to tackle.


Friday, 29 November 2013

Charity Game Jam

I'm brushing off my (very) rusty programming skills this weekend to try and create a game. I've got the next 3 days to work on it. Should be fun!

My son came up with the idea of doing this. He recently did the SpeccyJam with a friend from school, so he's a dab hand at it now! We're both using Unity 3D for our efforts, will post updates and progress here.

Wish us luck!

Should have probably mentioned that we are doing this in support of Charity Game Jam! Find out more in the following video:

Our chosen charity will be Child's Play.

Update @ 11:05

I've been beavering away for a couple of hours and it's time for a work-in-progress screenshot from the Unity editor:

All the assets used in the game are from the fantastic Unity Asset Store. I will, of course, be compiling a list of what I have used later...

Update @ 14:50

Had a small disaster just before lunch and lost a lot of work, but in the aftermath I decided on a change of direction for the environment in the game and I think it's all the better for it.

Latest screenshot, again from within the Unity editor:

Look at that horrible creature's face all lit up with the muzzle flash! Gives you chills, doesn't it?

Update @ 16:00

Calling it a day now as the rest of the family is due home shortly. Enjoyed myself today and am quite pleased with the progress. Lots to get done tomorrow, but I am fairly confident of knocking it all into shape.

One more screenshot to end the day on: